Calculated Genius Awards $40,000 in Scholarships through the STEMINIST Scholarship Program
In February 2020, Calculated Genius opened up the application form for the STEMINIST Scholarship Program to provide financial support to Chicagoland area women pursuing college degrees in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). By the time applications closed on May 3, 2020, we received a total of 71 eligible applications!
Calculated Genius is proud to share that we awarded fifteen (15) freshmen women with scholarships totaling $40,000 for the 2020-2021 academic school year.
“The selection committee was extremely impressed by the number of highly qualified applicants. Receiving this scholarship is a testament to your outstanding accomplishments”, Calculated Genius Executive Director, Kelley Francis, shared with the awardees.
In an effort to help close the gender gap and support more women on their path to succeed in STEM, Calculated Genius is proud to support and encourage women to pursue STEM degrees by recognizing their talents with financial awards and additional support thereafter. The scholarship recipients are asked to partake in mentoring sessions which look to provide career readiness and overall support to them during their college career as well as giveback to high-school students in Calculated Genius programs.
At Calculated Genius we believe we have a responsibility to ensure that all students have equitable opportunities and pathways to careers in engineering and STEM. “We developed our Mentorship Matters Program as a way to meet the challenges of education today. Mentorship will ensure our students have role models who make them feel welcome in STEM, and provide them with a solid foundation to be better equipped to succeed in their educational and professional pursuits. I truly believe it takes one person to believe in you and support you, for confidence to build. We want our students to feel they have voice and a team supporting them” said Kelley Francis.
In order to be eligible to apply, applicants had to be a female graduating high school student who plans on majoring in STEM in college, a minimum 3.0 GPA, and come from the Chicago metropolitan area. Complete and eligible applications were reviewed and judged based on academic achievements and records, community involvement or volunteerism, letters of recommendation and essay content.
Congratulations to the fifteen (15) women who were selected to receive scholarships for the 2020-2021 academic school year. The students include:
Allison Cavallo graduated from Whitney M Young Magnet High School (Chicago Public High School) and will attend Brown University for Environmental Engineering.
Anayah Scott graduated from Kenwood Academy High School (Chicago Public High School) and will attend Amherst College to study Neuroscience.
Audrey Nelson graduated from Whitney M Young Magnet High School (Chicago Public High School) and will attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Bioengineering.
Carina Huerta graduated from Trinity High School and will attend the University of Illinois at Chicago for Bioengineering.
Beatrice Bisoye Akinpelu graduated from Roger C Sullivan High School (Chicago Public High School) and will attend Loras College to study Computer Engineering.
Luria Tapia graduated from John Hancock College Preparatory High School (Chicago Public High School) and will attend Case Western Reserve University as an Undecided Engineering major.
Mikayla Kantorski graduated from Wauconda High School and will attend the University of Alabama for Computer Science.
Molly Wehrenberg graduated from Northside College Preparatory (Chicago Public High School) and will attend the University of California Los Angeles for Computer science and engineering.
Samantha Calderon graduated from Victor J Andrew High School and will attend Northwestern University majoring in Biology.
Samiyyah Hardison graduated from Kenwood Academy High School and will attend
Howard University majoring in Biology and Mathematics.
Sarah Skolozynski graduated from St. Ignatius College Prep and will attend the University of Notre Dame majoring in Biology.
Sofia Rogel graduated from Frederick Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center (Chicago Public High School) and will attend California Polytechnic State majoring in Biomedical Engineering.
Udoka Nwansi graduated from Niles North High School and will be attending the University of Michigan majoring in Computer Science.
Victoria Grove graduated from Victor J Andrew High School and will be attending Florida Atlantic University for Biology.
Zoe Swick graduated from Victor J Andrew High School and will be attending the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) majoring in Biochemistry.
If you are interested in joining our pool of mentors please visit here.
We are so proud of our scholarship recipients and look forward to seeing the amazing work they will accomplish in their college careers.
2020 STEMINIST Scholarship Awardees