Student Resources

Calculated Genius is dedicated to fostering student interest and exploration of the world of engineering and STEM! Please check out the resources below to access at-home STEM learning opportunities.



Here are some STEM activities and resources to ensure students are well prepared for the future!


Accessibility to technology


E-Learning Resources

Check out these resources for making the best of learning during COVID-19 with time management tips other successful online learning tips!


Explore Engineering Video Series


Are you curious about what it is like to really work as an engineer? Unsure of what engineering discipline you would enjoy most?

Hear from local engineers on what their role entails and what different engineering disciplines are like!

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Aerospace Engineering

Learn how pilots use engineering every time they fly a plane!

Aerospace engineers design aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. Aerospace engineers may develop new technologies for use in aviation, defense systems, and spacecraft too. Check out our aerospace engineering fact sheet for more information here.

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering encompasses software engineering, networking engineering and hardware engineering! Just like we use countless software programs, apps, and computers for specific tasks, there are endless career options for those looking to enter the computer engineering field.

In this video we will hear from Ximena and Latonya, on their different journeys to become software engineers!

Learn more about computer engineering.


Learn about Electrical Engineering and hear from two local professionals in the field!

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers mainly focus on the distribution of electrical power and large-scale production. They also work on a wide range of components, devices and systems to solve problems and test equipment.

In this video we will hear from Leslie and Shalini on their experiences as electrical engineers.

Check out Black Women in Science & Engineering (BWISE) and KDM Engineering for additional resources as well!

Learn more about electrical engineering.

Learn about mechanical engineering and hear from Grace, a local Chicago professional about her career!


Grace shares information on her role as a mechanical (maintenance) engineer and how she progressed from school to her career!

You can also download our mechanical engineering info sheet for more information here.