We are working to create a future where all young women and men have a chance to achieve their goals and would love for you to join our work! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor contact us today.

Sponsorship Opportunities


Calculated Genius programs and STEM outreach events promote the wonder and precision of engineering exhibited all around our young people in their everyday lives, and demonstrate through example a pathway to a sustainable, rewarding, and essential career. Sponsors may support a specific program like Summer Scholars or Mentorship Matters, or choose to sponsor Career Readiness workshops.

STEMINIST Scholarships:

As a sponsor of the Calculated Genius STEMINIST Scholarship program, you will support scholarships provided to females pursuing engineering degrees in college.  Contributions can support multiple awards per year or provide a renewable scholarship to specific award recipients throughout their undergraduate matriculation.  Find our more about Calculated Genius STEMINIST Scholarships here.


Calculated Genius normally hosts an annual fundraising Gala. Due the the pandemic, we are hosting virtual fundraisers, as well as a Showcase Event in July for our students. If you are interested in Sponsoring the Showcase Event or providing matching funds for a virtual fundraiser please let us know!

Please contact Brian Biederman, our Executive Director to learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities!

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Calculated Genius is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible!