2025 STEMinist Scholarship Application is LIVE!
Read to learn more about the STEMinist Scholarship program, entering its 6th year in 2025!
Our STEMinist Scholarship Program provides financial support to students pursuing college degrees in engineering and/or computer science.
Calculated Genius is proud to support and encourage Chicago's brightest young students to pursue degrees across countless engineering fields, by recognizing their hard work & dedication to their chosen field with financial awards.
Eligibility & Application Information
Who Can Apply for Calculated Genius’ Scholarship?
College-bound students from Chicago Public Schools who will be majoring in any branch of engineering or computer science.
Scholarship Eligibility:
To be eligible for this program, you must:
Be a high school senior graduating in 2025
Have a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).
Major (or intend on majoring) in an ENGINEERING discipline or COMPUTER SCIENCE in college.
Geography: Chicago metropolitan area students
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident or have active Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.
Awards & Recipient Program: Calculated Genius will provide scholarships of approximately $2,000 per student for the 2025-2026 School Year. Scholarship recipients are inducted to a lifelong network of fellow STEMinists across engineering & technology fields; mentorship, career coaching, and annual events.
Selection Criteria:
Complete applications will be reviewed and scored on the following criteria:
Video or Written Essay Content,
Academic achievements and records
Community involvement, volunteerism, or job-based experience
Decisions made by the selection committee are final and are not subject to appeal. No application feedback will be given.
What supporting documentation is required for this application?
High School Transcript
1 Letter of recommendation from an educator or unrelated, professional individual who can attest to applicants’ passion / talent / interest in STEM.
College Admissions Letter
Recipients are required to complete an application with a short written or video-recorded essay & submit a copy of their official transcript with at least one letter of recommendation. If you have any technical issues please email brian@calculatedgenius.org.
Recipients are expected to attend the scholarship award ceremony held in late June of each year, in downtown Chicago.
Program Timeline:
Application Open: December 2024
Application Deadline: May 2025
Notification of Selection Results: June 2025
Award Celebration: June 2025
Funds will be disbursed after the Showcase Event in Summer 2025. Funds will be made directly payable to colleges / universities.
When is the application deadline? May 2025.
Who do I contact if I have question? You can reach out to the Executive Director of Calculated Genius, Brian Biederman at brian@calculatedgenius.org.
*Please note: Calculated Genius reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of the scholarship program and to make changes at any time including termination of the scholarship program.
**All applicants must use a personal GMail account due to system & data security protocols. CPS email addresses will not work at this point in time. If you need to create a new GMail account, please do so here.
STEMinist Archive
2023 STEMinist Award Ceremony highlight reel
Thank You Sponsors
A special thank you to our STEMINIST Scholarship Program partners & supporters. With your investment & dedication, this important work is possible.
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Kimberly & Christopher Jenkins
Visit.Org Experiences